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Opening Hours

Tue - Sun: 10AM - 8PM Appointment Only (No Walk-In)

Massage Services

Recharge your body with Thai massage and therapeutic treatments. Experience healing touch from our skilled therapists. 

facial is a beautifying skin treatment that cleanses pores, exfoliates dead skin cells, hydrates and moisturises the skin

Transform your eyes with our full range of professional services and  tailored to enhance your natural beauty.

Indulge in our waxing service and experience the delight of having skin as smooth as silk.

Experience pure relaxation with our spa treatments, crafted to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Immerse your feet in heavenly indulgence with our exquisite range of foot care services.

Immerse in our exceptional services, from massages to facials and body treatments, and let our skilled professionals leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to conquer.